The World as The One: The Solo Exhibition of CHEN Zhi-Guang
Academic Consultant/SHIH Jui-Ren
Curator Audrey TU Lihsin HO
本展《四海》为大陆知名艺术家陈志光(Chen Zhi-Guang)与“采泥艺术”合作的首次个展,将展出陈志光两个创作系列作品:《蚂蚁》系列以及《树非木》系列。《蚂蚁》系列是陈志光迄今最具个人代表性的当代艺术创作。艺术家以蚂蚁这种微小但普遍存在的生物作为观察对象,透过拟人化的造形塑造,传递其个人对於当代人生存处境的思考。在当今现代社会发展过程中,人类的迁徙与离散已渐属常态,伴随而来的是自身文化背景和自我个性的模糊与消弭。陈志光以“蚂蚁”这个庞大群体暗喻全球在急速发展的社会变迁下,众人普遍的精神处境与集体形象描绘。无论是中国各地离乡背井到北京奋斗的“北漂族群”或是从中东逃难到欧洲的难民潮,“集体迁徙”这股驱动全球人口版面变迁的庞然动力,实已不分文化、地域、族群成为全球所需面对与探究的普世性议题。
The World as The One marks the first collaboration between renowned Chinese artist CHEN Zhi-Guang and Chini Gallery, and showcases the artist's two series, Ants and Trees, Not Wood. The former has been the artist's most distinctively representative contemporary art series. Chen employs the massive group of ants to hint at the common spiritual condition and a collective image of people in a global context of rapid development and social changes. Whether they are part of the group called"Beijing drifters"who have left their hometowns to seek opportunities in Beijing or the refugees that have fled the Middle Eastern regions and gone to Europe, the major force of "collective migration" that has fueled global population changes sees no difference in cultures, regions and ethnic groups, and has become a universal issue that the entire world needs to face and further discuss.
Trees, Not Wood represents the artist's latest attempt to explore the issue of diaspora through his artistic vocabulary. In nature, when a tree is being transplanted, it needs to go through a phase of cutting roots so that new ones can grow successfully in another place. This change is reminiscent of each migrated individual in a foreign place, where he or she needs to undergo a certain degree of self-transformation and regeneration in order to adapt and survive. In the series of Trees, Not Wood, the artist uses stainless steel to represent the material of wood. This approach symbolizes the coagulation of the transformative process and responds to how people survive in a foreign place by severing themselves from their original culture and erasing their personality.
《迁徒时代 》系列
From the artistic concepts to the sculptural vocabularies, the series of Ants and Trees, Not Wood reveal the direction of Chen's future artistic development. On the other hand, they also embody the artist's delineations of collective migration and diaspora due to the rapid development in modern society. This issue concerns China as well as the rest of the world. Chen's art transcends regional borders and limitation, and displays the height of his vision, scale and his humanistic care and cultural ideals that can apply to every corner of the world.
陈志光 (1963-)
1963年出生於福建厦门。 1988年毕业於福建师范大学美术系,现为中国雕塑学会常务理事,中国美术家协会会员,美国国务院国际领导者访问项目会员,中央美术学院城市设计学院研究员、天津美院现代艺术学院客座教授。在当代艺术界,陈志光这个名字几乎与「蚂蚁」这个符号连在一起,这些年艺术家竭尽可能地用不同手法以蚂蚁造型将蚂蚁的形象「放大」到让人不能忽视它们存在的程度。透过他的创作,蚂蚁这种微小但普遍存在的生物被幻化为各种各样的造型。通过拟人化的塑造,它们成为生活中的角色和现实空间的存在,这是陈志光的普世存在主义。自2006年起,陈志光多次在北京、上海、厦门、福州等全国各地举行大型个人展览,均受到艺术界及当地市民的广泛关注,并曾多次受邀於美国、法国、德国、瑞典等国家参加国际性大展,以艺术家的身份到欧美访问及交流。其多件作品被美术馆及国际藏家典藏,在国内各省市都可见其大型公共艺术作品。
Chen Zhiguang (1963 -)
Mr. Chen Zhiguang was born in Xiamen, Fujian Province in 1963. Graduated from Fine Arts Institute of Fujian Normal University in 1988, Mr. Chen is currently member of the Standing Committee of the China Sculpture Association, member of International Visitor Leadership Program initiated by U.S. State Department, researcher of City Design School of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, guest professor of Modern Art School of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.
In the sector of contemporary art, the name "Chen Zhiguang"is always associated with "ants", as he has been trying to make art design out of the image of"ants"in different ways in recent years. He enlarged the"ants"in his design to an extent that no one can ignore the existence of the micro creature. He made the tiny and common creature into different shapes via personification, so that the"ants"he created became a part of real human life and an existence of actual space, which demonstrate his idea of Universal Existentialism.
Mr. Chen has held many large solo exhibitions in cities across China since 2006, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Fuzhou, and received extensive attention from the art industry and local residents. In addition, he has been invited to participate in international exhibitions in USA, France, Germany, Sweden and other countries. He also has visited Europe and USA as a visiting artist. Many of his works are collected by art galleries and art collectors all over the world, and some of his large-sized works can be seen in the public places of various cities in China.
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